Is the video not showing up? Try the following steps:

  • Open the website in an alternate web browser program. For example, if you are using Internet Explorer, try using Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Apple Safari, or Microsoft Edge. Opening the website in an alternate browser has fixed this issue for most users.
  • Make sure your web browser is fully updated.
  • If you are attempting to view this page from behind a strict firewall, you may need to disable the firewall or try connecting from an alternate location.
  • If all else fails, try connecting using your mobile device. The event website is configured to work on mobile devices. 


Is your video blurry?

The video may be buffering. The video quality will improve automatically as the connection improves. Please check to make sure your internet connection is stable. A hard wired internet connection is preferred over wi-fi.


Not hearing any audio?

  • Make sure the volume is turned up on the video player. The volume setting looks like a set of vertical bars, and it is located in the bottom right corner, directly to the left of the full screen button.
  • Make sure your device's speakers are turned on and up, and your output settings are correct.